Did you know?
Topping the list of items found polluting our beaches and waterways are cigarette butts, which contain plastic filters, followed closely by soft plastic bags and food wrappers. Plastic water bottles come in at a close third, which have a better home in a comingle bin. Soft plastics are also a contaminator in our recycling systems and placing them in your general waste bin means they end up in landfill, causing harm to our environment too.
There is good green news, soft plastics can be recycled in their own stream and not mixed with rigid plastics. They can be appropriately shredded, melted and repurposed into plastic products such as outdoor furniture, decking and a number of other items. Supermarkets have the REDcycle initiative (, where returned soft plastics used for fruit and veggie shopping and other soft plastic bags, including grocery packaging, is returned and turned into useful items.
If your business has a lot of soft plastic to dispose of, we have a commercial solution for you too.
What you can do?
You can be part of a solution and take part in our aim to assist Australia in reaching its National Packaging Targets goal of recycling 70% of plastic packaging by 2025.
What CAN be included in your Soft Plastic Recycling Bin:
Plastic bags
Bread, pasta, rice & cereal bags
Lolly & ice cream wrappers
Biscuit, crackers & chip packets
Chocolate & snack bar wrappers
Used glad wrap
Bubble wrap
Pet food pouches
Zip lock bag
Wine and water bladders
Rice bags
Post satchels
Plastic films
Frozen food wrapping
Prohibited Items in your Soft Plastic Recycling Bin:
Plastic bottles
Biscuit trays
Coffee bags
Rubber & latex
Adhesive tape
Polypropylene bags
Degradable bio-degradable or compostable bags
Please contact our Waste Management Consultants at / or phone us on +61 3 9305 2265 to organise a quotation and collection.