Price Adjustment Effective 1 July 2024
Effective 1 July 2024, Speedie Waste & Recycle will be updating our service pricing to accommodate the increased Victorian EPA Landfill Levy and associated expenses with waste and recycling services, in addition to shifts in the Consumer Price Index.
The Victorian EPA Landfill Levy undergoes an annual increase on 1 July every year, contributing to initiatives aimed at curbing landfill
usage by promoting alternative community waste management practices such as recycling, repurposing, and sustainability programs.
Please be advised that the state government has also released the July 2025 increase, intending to raise the metropolitan industrial and municipal waste levy to $167.9 per tonne, up from the current rate of $129.27. This adjustment is to bring Victoria into alignment with other states and territories, and will also entail a proportional increase in levies at rural landfills, which are currently lower compared to metropolitan areas.
For detailed information regarding fees and relevant changes to Victorian waste levies, please visit the Victorian EPA website: www.epa.vic.gov.au/waste-levy
As always, in preparation for this annual adjustment, we are in communication with our customers. We encourage you to engage with your waste management consultants to assess recycling solutions for your waste management strategy and associated costs.
Your invoice for July 2024 will reflect these adjustments, accounting for the increases to landfill levy and industry operational expenses.
If you haven't already done so, it is not too late to have a waste audit. Please contact our team at sales@speediewaste.com.au for your assessment.